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2023-08-02 04:30:09




My home have a white and yellow dog, it's called "live", the name is I fetch it, because I think the name is a symbol of auspicious and blessing, so I call like that.

Rifle can like to go to bed, fell asleep on the ground, a distance, like wearing a white blanket, it with some tan big flowers. If you sleep to disturb it at this moment, it can be fierce. Once I naughty ground kicked it hard, it's a biting my shoes, feet bitten by it broken skin, from then on I never sleep in it's time to make it. Live is also very sweet, eat it, will be a sniff and then using your tongue to lick up, finally with its sharp teeth to bite, then beard also follow move move. Drink it with the front two claws against the bowl, using your tongue to lick, I drink water in watching it, looked at it that quickly reached out again quickly to recover the tongue of the stunned, my tongue also unconsciously follow move, in retrospect feel silly.

Once my friend and I see it, I let out a cry: "live, come over." Had for a long time, it quickly ran up and jumped into my shoulder, and close to lick my face, licking it, with head rubbed my chin, seems to me that whine, want something to eat. I was from his pocket and took out a piece of chocolate thrown into the pond at a distance, the dog like a magnet attracted general ran past. While it in the past, I said a few words in friend ear, plotting a hoax. I pretend to play with it first, friends are carefully go behind it, unaware when it grabs it. Then, we split up, friends holding the dog, I seek for the tool: four wooden stick, a pile of sawdust, lighters, and rope. My rifle four legs tied on a wooden stick, and then the four cross wooden stick up, then the next looks unfamiliar a fire, and finally put it on the fire roast, the flame is up to him, it out, I'm worried about it were burned, quickly brought a basin of water to put out the fire and put it down. But my heart still schadenfreude, feel rifle can be fun, but I never so cruel to it, because I really like live.

Live like me, I also like to live, although it is not in my side, but it is my good friend forever.


When I was a little boy, I have a dog, the dog body white, so I named him "little white". Looked from a distance, small white is just like a regiment cotton, the regiment fat "cotton" is alive and kicking, most of the time passes in a pair of big round eyes look in the eyes, as if can understand the person's mood, nose is black, this is probably it only in white hair ornament, the empress's tail is shorter, meet the master of the yaw, can recruit people like!

Most of the time, small white character is gentle, but when you see a stranger, it will reveal ferocious expression, in his "bark" shout loudly, like changed a "person". It up when I'm mad, always try to jump up and licked my hand and face, but I don't like to lick my face, it is always a picked it up and set aside. But, small white can clingy, just push again stick came over immediately, just like a piece of chewing gum. It's unhappy will climb into your body, or lying on the sofa and bed, alone with silent anger, who also ignore. But this time, as long as I said go out to play with it, made the action of the door and it instantly perked up.

Every meal points, small white always fart dian fart with its exclusive job, in my side, raised his head with a miserable eyes looked at me, a cry of "bark" mouth, as if to say: "master, you pity me, exceptional gave me something to eat." See it funny, and I will bring it to eat quickly with a smile. See a small white long tongue first, then roll out the food on the ground, the last to "yum yum" chew up their dinner.

Remember I am afraid of dogs and contact before, then mom back to the small white to my companion, only changed the habit of I am afraid of dogs. At first, I am always far away from it, but the small white always shaking his tail, while running after me, is that I am the owner of it. Then slowly I was moved by the small white lovely about, and began to try to touch it, but I still can't zero distance contact with it. Until one day afternoon, mother ulterior motives to importune me with small white go out for a walk, I thought to myself, dead, this time I can be your doom not escape. It can make me urgent cry, but no matter how I in front of my mother's favor, mother also ignore. In the end, I only bite the bullet and give it a try, I'm adventurous, brought a small white village park, when it saw the other dog, and ran off to play, I have been sitting in situ scampering about looking at it. It's getting dark, time to go home, I stretch voice cry out: "small white", it will run to come over, though unwilling, but still keep up with my darling to go home. Small white innocent and lovely about finally melted my heart, I discovered that the original dog didn't I think so terrible, especially my little white, and contrary to what I imagined.

After I finish my homework every day, will take it out for a walk, although the small white is dead now, but it brought me happiness, I won't forget it.


My favorite animal is dog. That is when I was in grade one, I call it "black", because of its body is black fur, so I give it the name.

Black hair black as a black ball, a pair of big and bright eyes really like a black stone, two ears are very sensitive, as long as near at home, I called loudly, it must run to come over, it eat a thing to, like tigers, eat. Don't think that my little black is very gentle, it will lost his temper, it initiated a temper, eyes will always stare at you, open your mouth with sharp teeth, almost like to bite you, if you touch it to make it paw to expose to hard to catch you, catch and red marks.

One time, I finished the homework, idle have no matter to do, just want to play with the little black, the in the mind start contemplating a prank. I take out a bone, the rest of the morning and took a long rope, the rope of a head of department on this bone, I firmly around the knot after a few laps lightly. Then, I put the rope hanging in a tree trunk, a head of bone, hanging in the front of the tree, on the other side to take in your hand, I will quietly slipped behind the tree, waiting for the dog to come over. Ready to do a good job, I'll call the little black, not for a while the little black appear in front of the door, I saw it look in all directions, but didn't find me, but only to see a bone. I guess the little black sure smell the flavor of bones, and I just bone allure more for it. As it quickly bite to the bone, I will give the rope a pull, so fly to the mouth of the food, the dog thought the bone in the jump, it must think that I must eat to him. It keeps jumping up and down, I quickly the dog didn't eat until it beloved bones. Finally, the dog run out whole body energy, and was in the bones, I then in order to praise it, took a carton of milk as a reward.

But one day, the dog alone in playing outside, but accidentally caught by a group of bad people, I am at home and cried sadly. Little more than four years has left me, I always miss a puppy, and want to say to it: "the dog I like you."




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