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2023-08-06 03:27:01




Hello, my name is XXX, 16, from XX school. From childhood, I have a dream, that is like a bird can fly in the sky, and now I finally have the opportunity to realize the dream of, if I can get this job, I’ll try my best to do everything, because I like this job, I often attend school activities organized by the school, also in the school student, I also exercise myself, so I am confident I can do this job, I love life, love dancing, love this job , so today I stand here. I’ll go to face with a smile. I hope I can very well today.

你好,我叫XXX,今年16岁,来自XX学校,从孩提时起我就有一个梦想,那就是能像鸟儿一样在蓝天中飞翔,现在我中终于有机会实现梦想了,如果我能得到这份工作,我会尽力做好所有的事情,因为我喜欢这份工作,我在学校里经常参加一些学校组织的活动,而且也是学校学生会的,在学生会我也锻炼了自己,所以我有信心能胜任这份工作,我热爱生活,热爱舞蹈,更热爱这份工作,所以今天我站在了这里。我会以微笑去面对。我希望我今天能表现的.非常出色 。


Good morning,everyone! It's my great honor to attend this interview. My name is xxx and I come from .

I am a student of Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Aviation, majored in Logistics. I have done a good performance in school. l have passed CET4 and have achieved Second-level Certificate for National Mandarin Test. In order to qualify myself with more experience, I served the World Route Development Forum as a volunteer, through which I have learned the importance of patience and cooperation. Because of all of these, I am highly acclaimed by both teachers and students.

I know that Tibet Airlines devotes itself to “love Tibet, rooted in Tibet, develop Tibet and serve Tibet” and is dedicated to providing safe, convenient and enjoyable flight for passengers. I have strong passion for aviation industry, and I want to take flight attendant as my long-term career. And I have prepared myself with knowledge and skills during the college, so I have strong confidence that I can do my job well and become a good flight attendant.

That’s all. Thanks again for giving me this opportunity!









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