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2023-09-20 02:51:07


校内安全之我见(Security on Campus)

Nowadays the issue of security on campus in being discussed quite often. Some students have their cell phones stolen in dormitories; some sudents are knocked dowm by the quickly running bikes or cars; others fight with and hurt one another.

These phonemena are common on campus. I think there are several reasons for these. Firstly, students do not care take care of their properties. They are still yong and not careful enough. Secondly, students are very aggresive. Yes they want to be the winners in exams and contest, but they also want to be winners in quarrels and fightings. Besides, the campus guards do not carry their duties to the letter. They should regulate the traffic and direct the traffic flows in the rush hour.

Therefore, in order to have a secury campus, the whole students should be very careful about their porperties as wel as themselves. They should also mind their behaviors and act moderately. Of course the campus guards are supposed to be dovoted to the secury on campus as well. They are the school-regulation enforcement agents, so it is their duty to safeguard a safe and secure campus to help provide a good environment for the students.




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