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2023-09-28 02:23:04




The dog's character is really weird. It honestly it, it is sometimes very good, he will find a warm place to sleep. Carefree, nothing to do. But he decided to go out and go out for two days and two nights, and he would not be back. Say it's fun, it's true, how can you not go home for two days and two nights? But it heard the footsteps of a stranger, will turn to cry, we will immediately take action, the stranger.

If it is happy, it can be more gentle than anyone, with his body hated your leg, turned a somersault, and gave you a performance. Or stand up and shake hands with you. If it is not happy, it will use its sharp teeth to bite.

The dog's appearance, wearing a white coat, a pair of black eyes, a small mouth, if you stand in front of it, it will be all eyes looking at you, with your eyes motionless, as if to say: "master, I love you, I will never leave you."

The eating of dogs often makes us laugh. Our dog eats cold rice, like a goose. He needs two things: eat like water, like the chicken bones. Eat a cold meal first, eat one more chicken bone, and then drink one more mouth water. Maybe these chicken bones also have a variety of tasty flavors.

The play of dogs often worries us. When we don't pay attention, it will run out in a hurry. The eyes don't look around. Remember one afternoon, it ran out when we didn't pay attention. Then it was hit by a car, and when it came back, it limped back, and one part of its body somehow came out of the blood. I asked what it is, it not only did not answer, but walked into his nest, lying down to rest, recuperate the same as in the.

Since it happened, we rarely let it out. Just keep it in the nest so that it doesn't let it go out and play.


A dog is a common animal. It is human and is the most loyal friend of human being. There is a dog in my brother's house, whose hair is yellow, black nose, and a tail that is always up. It can watch the door, as long as there is a little noise, or a little smell of strangers, the dog will barking.

The dog is very sleepy, although it can not sleep at night, but during the day to sleep for several hour. As long as there is sunshine, dogs will lie there. They can sleep for a day with a warm look. If there is no sunshine, dogs will move their bodies to sunny places. If there is a little noise, it immediately ran away. If you go, he will open his mouth to bite you, if you're in the moment, ran quickly, it will run in the chase, no matter what, you don't want to get rid of it, unless the owner called the dog off, it will not come to you.

The dog is also very gentle. It will rest on your feet and lick you with your tongue. When you are happy, it will run around you, and also call a few "little friends" to wrestle. But if it is not happy, no matter how you make it to play, it is the board with a furious face.


On Sunday, I finished the erhu class and came to my father's site to see the dog.

"Wow, the bitch has seven puppies, really like a lovely little angel!" The angel has brown, white, black, and black and white. Dogs don't know what time to be destroyed, my dad said: winter, people eat dog meat, put the needle hit the dog on the buttocks, the brutal killing of dogs, dog meat has become delicious food of the people. Dad said: the dog was hit by lethal and did not fall on the outside, it was a step by step to climb back into the kennel, died in the pups before......

I put up a little white dog. The dog is so gentle. And I also share it with food, I had lunch in the leg and threw it to the dog, maybe they are hungry, stomach growling, they fall over each other to eat up, then I looked at the eyes of gratitude, I bent down, with warm hands stroked the little angel's head, it have this back to the nest rest.

I am very curious, then down to the kennel in look, I found a touching scene, the little angels pressed the heating together, just like one family. I think of the dog dad again.

See it before death climbed to the scene. If it is not extremely cruel and merciless killing dog dad, dog, and dog dad could get together.

People have to live in peace with animals, and animals have a family. We can't destroy the happiness of animals.


At my sister's house, there is a very cute Tactic dog, its name - lucas. It has brown curly hair, round and small head, black eyes like a bead, and a round nose under the eyes, but it is small, though small, but very sensitive, and it can be identified with a little smell. Although it is very small, it is very smart, but not worse than people.

He is very interesting and lovely. It is particularly strange when eating, eat or eat a look around, look around, as if someone like him grab. I run very fast, but sometimes I ran it. I always go to bed to sleep in the habit of slippers, as long as there is a little movement, it will immediately wake up. The family out into it, never call, if there is a stranger in it like a chicken is called.

In addition, Zai Zai cute and funny but also mischievous, once, my sister back into the house, put off my shoes, put on the shoe. At this time, my good friend Zhou Yuxuan called out to play outside, and I promised loudly, looking for my shoes in a hurry, but strangely enough, I only looked for shoes on the shoe rack, and I searched the shoe cabinet everywhere. I whispered, is it really a ghost? Just a moment, how did the shoes go away? Later, I know, the original is Zai my shoes to go outside in the sun.

Do you say, is it cute and naughty?


A gray hairy hair, a round face with big watery eyes, a small nose, a small mouth, lovely! This is my favorite animal -- dog.

The dog is a docile, good housekeeping, I remember once, my mom and dad go mountain climbing, because afraid of bad home to steal, put the dog to stay at home to look after the house, we walked for a while, there is a bad thought the house to steal, came to the door, the dog saw him sneaking, I know he is bad, "he barked up the bad guy to see, not only do not want to go, want to play the puppy's idea, he did not go to see the dog, bit bad feet, bad pain called awwww, can escape this. A scene is heard the dogs came to see Aunt Lee, after we come back, aunt Lee told us all, we listened to the dog a feast, let it eat a meal, my mother and I took a chicken into the dog The rice bowl, the puppy licked a drumstick, barked, seemed to say: "thank you, master." I listened and laughed happily.

This is my favorite puppy, you listen to my introduction, and also like my puppy!


To the courtyard, a brown puppy will delightedly behind me, the little brown dog - he is our neighbor.

The little brown love spoiled very much, when I come home from school, it would quickly run forward, with the body to kick my trousers. At this time, I stroked its sleek coat, it quietly crouched down, "hum" occasionally called on the two, if it touched the chest, it will turn a body, sprawled down, really funny!

Not long ago, it gave birth to a child, his child was born, the eyes are still not open, who do not have a few hairs. After a period of time, the dog dog grow up, grow hairy, the body is also very strong, really "big eighteen change, look more like his mother!" their mother and daughter closely, little brown where its children will follow where.

From one thing, I like little brown more.

Once, after I finished eating chicken, throw the bones of the little brown, little brown licked the bones, and put down, "bark" is called twice, I saw a dog coming, see the bone and gobbled it up. Ah! How great a mother's love is!

Puppy and puppy, you give me friendship, you give me inspiration, a mother must be a hero. I like you, puppy!


There is a puppy in my house. It's called the darling.

It is a golden shiny fur, feels very warm; the little white paw, like the plum blossom four; a pair of watery eyes round head; it made a small tail, always leisurely rocking.

My dog is naughty and cute. When I got home, it came to me, wagging his tail, as if to say: "master, you're back!" when I took the bones to feed it, it will obediently sat down, looking at it with two round yo eyes on me, as if to say: "master I see, how lovely! Let me eat!"

It likes to play the ball, and I throw it in the distance with the ball, and it can get it back to me. It will use the nose ball, the ball rolls kept. Sometimes, when the ball falls into the water, it will run to me and scream in a hurry, as if saying, "master is not good, it's not good. The ball fell into the water!" and I will pick up the ball for it.

I like my good friend, puppy.


I have a special friend. This friend is a lovely puppy. I have an unforgettable memory and it seems to be in front of me again.

That's my 5 year old uncle who bought it for 100 yuan and bought it home. I got it a nice name, "Ge Ge". It looks very cute. Its fur is white and yellow, and its nose is high. Its black jewel eyes are in the eye frame. It also likes to play with me.

Once, I went home from school and found that my slippers were missing. I thought, "is there a thief in the house?" At this time, my dog GG appeared again. I saw it with my slippers. I couldn't help laughing after I saw it.

Another time, I and it together to play hide and seek, I go outside number 100 number, and then ran to my room, I just go to bed, suddenly I was jumping out from the princess. I grabbed it and shouted, "found it! Find it!"

Another time, it hurts his leg pain, looked at his face, carefully cut to help it with gauze wrap, and in the latter reads: Princess, I wish you a speedy recovery.

It has brought me a good time.


We are friends, I introduce my animal friends, my animal friends is a dog, but it is already an adult dog, dog, cat and I are my animal friends, it is my favourite animal friends, when he was little, I remember it it is crystal clear, when Guo Danian, I do not know where to set off firecrackers when the puppy, I find it under the table, because it is afraid of the sound of firecrackers,

I also know it and some people, when you get on the bus last carsick, my brother put it in the box, after 10 days, our brother and a back, I saw the box a confused, just know it is carsick, I couldn't help but at that time, "ha ha," everyone laughed.

I also protected it, the last time grandma wanted to hit it, I did not let, grandma put down the broom, oh... I said: "not ah!"

I like it very much, and it loves me very much, and both of us are forever partners.


My uncle's house has a golden dog whose name is Lily, and its head, face, hand and foot are golden. Tell you, it's naughty!

Once, uncle cleaning the room when it ran rushing down. The uncle looked at it and said, "go out." Lily had to lie down and watch the bustle. The uncle swept the ground and laid the mat down and just wanted to lie down. Lili crept, step by step up in the past, the chin on the mat, see the owner did not respond, the two front paws and then look at the master in Da, no response, the whole body curled into a ball, roll to roll. As soon as his uncle looked at it, he was very angry and funny, and said, "how do you come in again?" With his feet, he gently pushed it out to make everyone giggle.

You say the golden dog Li Li, lovely and not lovely, do you want to hold it?




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