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2023-11-23 03:55:05




The 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese Folk Festival - Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival has been the custom of the Chinese for more than two thousand years. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is most widely known in memory of Qu Yuan. According to legend, Qu Yuan was a doctor in Chu state during the Warring States period, because his patriotic ideal could not be realized and he threw himself into the river to kill himself. In order to commemorate him, people set the date of his throwing into the river as Dragon Boat Festival.

Speaking of Dragon Boat Festival, the most common custom is to eat rice dumplings. Although there are many varieties of dumplings in the shop, I still like zongzi wrapped in my home. In the first two days of the Dragon Boat Festival, mother will buy the reed leaves of the zongzi and cook it with clean water, and then prepare the raw materials for the dumplings, such as glutinous rice, meat, bean sand, red dates and so on. Next and grandma wrapped dumplings together, every time grandma will choose two or three leaves, left hand pinch the leaves of one head, the right hand with three fingers pinch the other head of the leaf gently into a roll, roll into a cone shape, after the roll is ready to put ready raw materials, and finally the cotton zongzi is bound stout, a The four corners of the dumplings are born.

On this day, people will Artemisia argyi and dragon boat racing. The Dragon Boat Festival is a holiday full of magic, joy and excitement.






Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It originated from the story of Qu Yuan jumping into the river. Dragon Boat Festival zongzi and dragon boat racing has become an essential item.

I remember the Dragon Boat Festival that year, my family wrapped in zongzi, I saw envy, hurriedly called my grandmother to teach me. First put the glutinous rice into a large pot, add jujube longan and meat, stir it again, the filling will be adjusted. I rolled the leaves into triangle and put them on the side while chopping them with chopsticks, but not too hard. Finally, with a rope, a beautiful dumpling is wrapped. It is said that this is to commemorate Qu Yuan, the people wrapped up zongzi after pouring into the river, glutinous rice sticks to the fish mouth, fish can not eat Qu Yuan's body. This is also to pray for a year of wind and rain. It's fun to row a dragon boat. Several people sit in the boat in the river, who will arrive at the finish line first. This is not only good for the body, but also for team spirit. However, you have to be careful, the taste of irrigation is not pleasant.

In addition to eating zongzi and rowing dragon boats, there is also an enjoyable activity: River lights. A lotus lantern, reflecting the rippling river, is floating there. It is really beautiful. I quickly made all kinds of lights and enjoyed the lights in the river.

The traditional festival of Dragon Boat Festival will continue to be passed down. It brings great joy to people. I also experienced a personal experience, and you have also come to this happy holiday!








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