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Save resources, better tomorrow的高中生英

2024-01-03 04:25:10

Save resources, better tomorrow的高中生英语演讲稿

Respected teachers, my fellow students. Today my topic is save resources, better tomorrow.

As we all know, the pollution problem may be one of the greatest problems in the world. Please look out of the windows! You may easily find: We have more cars but less petrol. We eat more kinds of food, but have fewer kinds of animals; we have higher buildings and wider highways, but narrower points of view; we spend more, but enjoy less, why? Because the natural resources are limited.However, People don't cherish what they have until it's gone.

But what shall we do to save the resources? We can bring cotton bags with us instead of asking for plastic bags when we go shopping. When we are doing exercises in class we can use the both sides of paper to write on. We can recycle empty bottles and tins. We shouldn’t use the wooden chopsticks.

Water, valued fresh water, the gift of our generous nature. It is the blood of the Earth. It’s one of the most valued things and it’s the beginning of all the lives. We can’t live without water. Nowadays, many people are getting sick because of lacking water. Many animals are dying of thirst. Many rich fields are becoming drier and drier and no longer can be used to grow rice. So to save water, we should use not too much water on the washing. We should remember to turn off the taps when we leave the toilet. We should use water for many times.

Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world. People always pollute the earth. The more people, the more pollution.As teenagers, we should ride bikes instead of going by car or by bus.

If we do like that, our life will be better in the future. The earth is our only home. We should try our best to protect it. In this way, we can ‘see a world in a grain of sand’, ‘a heaven in wild flowers’ and we can also see our bright future from all colorful lives around us! Ours sprit is all for one, and one for all to make our homestead better. That’s all. Thanks for listening!

【Save resources, better tomorrow的高中生英语演讲稿】



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