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2010-03-13 11:44:35

"Care for life, pay attention to safety", it is always in our ears rang, visible now people pay attention to safety is very important, without security, people's life is not guaranteed. Pay attention to safety, should start from dribs and drabs in our life and study. In our daily life, cycling, walking,... In the campus life style activities... Etc, it is closely related to security, a bit not note that will lead to accidents, a mistake. Security is an important barrier to protect our lives and health, we should regard safety as eat and drink, is indispensable in the daily life. So, no matter what we are doing, are always think safety, pay attention to the safety, at any time to ZunZhangShouJi, remember, safety first, really do not hurt yourself, don't hurt others, don't hurt by others, so, our life can be guaranteed, can achieve the goal of security in our lives. Walked into the campus, many classmates played up with a bit of trivia affairs, thus make both; some even at the expense of life, is not caused by an apology can revive, but save the rest of my life. And classmates because of curiosity, with a jump, look down on the fence, if have a classmate behind the push or yourself too hard fall, the consequences will be unimaginable. There is one thing that always let me remember: one day I was walking by the road, I saw a girl about twelve years old, with his sister, riding a bike, it was morning, the weather is a little fog, make the person can't see the vehicle ahead, however, just as she was crossing the street, in front of a big truck and hit her, but the left have a van, because too late braking, also hit her, her sister was dumped out, while she was caught in the middle, two car moment, she lost her life, her sister, also suffered a head injury. I afterwards just know the cause of traffic accident is the first truck driver with driving after drinking. This is a lesson of blood. Life long, long time need peace. Friends, for the sake of the whole world a little less sad, in order to let us have fewer accidents, laugh more, and have to start from me, start from now, hand in hand together, pay attention to safety: when we do something to think about it, I can do about it? Is it safe? If you don't feel safe, don't do it. When we see other people do dangerous things, also want to use the appropriate method in a timely manner to dissuade him. Let we all pay attention to safety, care for life, will be safe in mind heart, fight for our bright future!【趣文网 mip.qwen.cn】



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