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2014-12-10 10:12:44


With the development of imformation techology, ‘television’ has been the most important way which is tansmission of imformation. It’s a conveiniet way to see the things happened around the world.

For most people, television is necessary in our daily life. You can learn more and more konwladge, see the outside world by watching TV. And there are many programmes that can make us smart on television. After hard work, we can relax by watching television. We can watch television whenever. For the children, it’s a good way to nicrease the enthusiasm on the science and let them grow up faster.

But every coin has two side. As a new way, it’s also has shortcomings. If you watch TV not in you spare time, it will become a waste of time. It’s bad for our health to watch television more. If you. watch television so more, your vision will be made down by it. Before it inviet. We spend our free time with our family and friend. Nowdays, wo spend our time on TV. there such many bad progammes on television too. That let us be too lazy to work.

In a word, television is necessary in life. But we must be restrained to watch television.



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