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高三寒假英语作文:Learn to Give Up(带翻译)

2019-12-11 14:33:58

本文是一篇高中三年级寒假英语,题目为Learn to Give Up,文章表达了作者对学会放弃的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧!

高中三年级寒假英语作文:Learn to Give Up(带翻译)

When we encourage people, we will always tell them not to give up, they can be successful if they insist. “Never give up” have been the inspiring words, people accept them as the positive life attitude. However, sometimes if people insist all the time and never change, these inspiring words are not wise to keep.


People should learn to give up sometimes. Parents think study is very important, so they ask their kids to insist to learn and go to college. But the fact is that not all the kids are good at study, some kids are not interested in study, they are good at other things. Parents should not push their children to go to college, the kids can learn the things they are good at, like cooking, amending cars and so on. Going to college is not the only way to be successful, learning the practical skills also makes them successful.


People must know clearly what they are insisting, if they keep the right direction, they should insist, but if they keep the wrong direction, they need to give up and open another new chapter of their lives.


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