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An thing to remember_一件难以忘怀的事英语作文200字

2019-12-11 14:34:59

An thing to remember_一件难以忘怀的事英语作文200字

This story come from my father's telling.

l lived a tiny village as l was a boy,where the mountains were surrounded by a beautiful, beautiful, charming scenery.

One day l was playing by a small river with a girl.the river bed was covered with a great deal of grass.There was a little pool with some frogs in it.when l touched some of them, they were immediately disappeared under the water.

Suddenly, l didn't know what was for,the girl pushed me into the pool,my clothes was wet completely.my mother took the girl to her mother and her mother struck her and she cried.By now, l still have being remembered this matter. A few days ago,when l told it to Nanjiangyu,my daughter, as if it was happening yesterday.




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