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英语作文 我的哥哥

2019-12-11 14:27:07

英语作文 我的哥哥

The elder brother is my good associate not only, it is the good example that I learn more. I like my elder brother. Elder brother this year 16 years old, it is the student that second year in high school learns in Anhua. He is growing dark skin, square face big on both sides, shave a small crew cut. Although hale body compares his stocky I am tall not how many, but knowledge is abounded more than me however. elder brother loves to read very much. He has pocket money to buy a book, be free to take a book to read, family member affectionately calls him " little book is confused " . Remember once, aunt is occupied should go out, call I and elder brother to staying in the home, enjoin an elder brother to look at the red carbonado that boils in boiler. Did not think of he saw a book enter fan forget this thing to get completely unexpectedly, until send out in house give a scorching, when I call him, he just has answered a god to come. does not see his life go up careless, study is meticulous however, want to encounter the problem that does not know only, he can be checked after all. Write on textbook full thickly dotted note. Because he learns from good examples frequently at ordinary times,ask, the lance before learning achievement to always rank in annual class. Of course, his sports result is very strong also, the most outstanding is basketball. Want him to appear in field only, total meeting is surrounded all round full audience. elder brother still is my good friend, every arrive summer vacation, he can take me swim, make game, jest and story, fasten Titus together with the elder brother happy. elder brother is my good associate not only, it is the good example that I learn more. I like my elder brother.



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