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2019-12-11 14:31:43

Learn to ride a bicycle

See in the courtyard other little girl is free and easy everyday riding a bike freelyingly, I very envy, the decision learns to ride a bicycle.

In the evening, I fall pushing a bicycle to come to the courtyard, want mom to teach me to cycle. Mom helps me up at the same time one here say " the body is placed, soon ahead, clutch bibcock. " I was done accordingly, but right turn of bibcock left abduct, listen to handle not at all, rode to fall. I did not abandon, climb to continue to ride however. Rode ten times so, slowly, I ride firmlier and firmlier, bibcock also begins obedient. I insist to practice riding a bicycle everyday. Passed a few days so, be in imperceptible in, I also can ride a bicycle freelyingly neatly in compound, I am very glad!

From inside this thing, I am realized gave a reason. Do what thing not to fear pain, want to insist after all to be able to succeed certainly only. (the behavioral bearing that cycle is written well)



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