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My Opinion on Learning-weariness_我对厌学情绪的看法英语作文150字

2019-12-13 20:15:01

My Opinion on Learning-weariness_我对厌学情绪的看法英语作文150字

Most middle school students think school life is interesting and pleasant, but some students don’t like to go to school, and they are not interested in their studies.

The reasons are as follows:Some students think it’s not necessary to learn too much knowledge because their parents will give them everything they need. Some have given up their studies because of one or two poor subjects. They are afraid of being laughed at. Besides, some even think what is tought in class is boring.

In my opinion, getting an education can help you build the kind of future life you want. It’s a good idea to talk to your teachers, parents or friends about your problems with school. You may get some useful advice from them. Try to find out your interests and talents which can make you more confident. You should remember that knowledge is power and that you must depend on yourself in the future.



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