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I Love HeFei_我爱合肥初中生英语作文150字

2019-12-24 08:45:01

I Love HeFei_我爱合肥初中生英语作文150字

My hometown is HeFei,It is a beautiful city in AnHui province,So HeFei is my favourite city .And HeFei located in central AnHui peovince.

HeFei is a city wirh a history of more than 2000 years .There are quite a few scenic spots in the vicinity of HeFei.In addition to,HeFei also gave birth to a group of historical celebrities such as Bao Zheng and Li HongZhang.

‌ If you come to hefei, don't miss the scenic spot and local snacks.The city has a population of 7.79 million people.There are many foreigners here because There are many International students here ,If you're willing to make some foreign friends, it's a good choice.

‌ HeFei is my favourite city.I want it will be better and better, and there are lots of people to visit.




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