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A letter to friend_给朋友的一封信作文250字

2019-12-26 20:15:02

Dear friend,

I'm so pleased that you can learn some best ways to learn english from me,although i am not good at that,but i will try my best to teach you,please believe me. So,there are three good ways to learn.

First,you must read english words aloud every day and don't nervous,then remember them.Because if you want to speak,you have to learn words first,then connect words with words,please believe me,it's important for everyone to do that.

Second,i think you should practice the conversation with your partner every day.Because if you often do that,you will find something wrong from each other,and try to change from time to time,in the end,you will become better and better.

Last one,and it is just. the important one,you have to do your homework yourself,don't..always copy.Because they .are..your homework ,you must finish doing these carefully,then you will..understand what you know and what you don't know. And any way,they are my advice,i hope these can help you,so if we meet,i wish i can see a best friend.


Sen Guo




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