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Istanbul holiday_伊斯坦布尔假期英语读后感450字

2019-12-26 15:30:01

Alice, a young Englishman, considered a native English man and lived a carefree life in London, but she had frequent nightmares after an encounters prophet. The prophet said she was Turk. She had to start a trip and then meet six people to guide her to the most important man in her life. Istanbul was their intersection. Alice did not believe in the prophet's words, but a series of nightmares troubled her. Her neighbor, Daldry, encouraged her to use her own legacy to help her start the trip. Through the journey, Alice found his roots, the answer to his life, the lost brother, the inspiration of the perfume, and the seventh people that the prophet said - the most important man, the neighbor, Daldry, who began to support and accompany her from the beginning, and the fact that the two people were at the beginning of each other. The truth is dark.

A simple coincidence, as I met the book, found that after seeing the author's introduction, I had already read the author's other work, "the person who stole the shadow", a warm healing novel that made the whole of France moving. "You have stolen my shadow, wherever you are, I will think of you." Now I want to talk about the author's twelfth work, the Istanbul holiday.

This book is different from "steal the shadow", it is no longer limited to the love between two people, but has the path of life. In the book, there is a growing process of the hero, which is difficult to express. It needs experience to be able to grow up unconsciously. I think this is the greatest highlight of this book. This article claims to be a novel of the cure department, but I haven't understood what to cure so far. I just think of it as a way to enrich the experience. Each person handles things differently. In the same thing, not everyone will grow in one direction, but in the end it will change.

Mr. Daldry left Istanbul and returned to London in accordance with the agreement. The twelfth chapters of the book were after he had gone. The contents of their letters and letters were close to the truth and could not hide the breath of love. Later, Alice returned to London, too. According to the agreement, Mr. Daldry painted the oil painting at the crossroads of Istanbul, and Alice made the fragrance of Istanbul. The book says, "it's a collection of soil, flowers, dust, and the smell of living water flowing along the spring stone slab."

With the support of Daldry, Alice embarked on this wonderful holiday trip. What will Daldry do to achieve Alice's wish? Can Daldry come together with Alice? What secrets can Alice find in Istanbul? What are the six people whom Alice has met, and what is the connection with the first female fortune teller? When you finish reading this book, these questions can be answered one by one.




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