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An Unforgettable Day_难忘的一天高一英语作文150字

2019-12-28 00:15:01

An Unforgettable Day_难忘的一天高一英语作文150字

Person’s life is made up of countless days, while some days may be boring, some are precious and unforgettable memories.

July 15,2014, the day I’ll never forget. It was a sunny day, but I was anxious, nervous and meanwhile, a little excited, for I was waiting for the arrival of my university admission notice. It was not until 3 pm that I finally waited the arrival of a green mail car full of hope. Only when I got the admission notice, did I believe that I was really admitted to my dream university—…university. It not only meant my past efforts and persistence not in vain, but also meant that I would say goodbye to the dull high school life, and step into the colorful university life. I was so happy and immediately called my parents to tell them the good news, and then teachers and classmates.

What an unforgettable day!



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