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An unforgettable Day_难忘的一天作文200字

2020-01-03 18:30:01

On September 3rd,a military parade was held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of World War 2.

On that day,I watched the military parade with my parents at 9:50 morning.All sorts of weapons were showed on the Tian An Men Square which had a great impression on me and made me so excite and delighted.

It`s close upon the hour of noon,some different kinds of fight planes flew over my house with a roar.We stood on the balcony and took some photos about the fight planes by using the smart phones rapidly.

After that,we sent and share the photos of military parade and fight planes in the WeChat Moments.I enjoyed an unforgettable and memorable military parade all day long.

All in all,as a military fan,I fully enjoyed a military feast which showed the world that China has a strong defense capability and told everyone that history could never be rewritten.




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