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Keep Fit_高一英语作文250字

2019-12-28 12:30:02

Keep Fit_高一英语作文250字

Health is far more important than wealth.

Health is very important for our life,it is our basic thing.Health is more important than any money or other things.Health can make us enjoy our life and fighting for our dreams.

There are lots of ways to keep fit.First,you shuold eat more vegetables or fruit,it is important to have a good diet if you want to keep fit.And second,you shuold do more exercise to make your body more stranger,it is a good and easy way to keep fit,you only need to walk for 25minutes if you don't have much time,or just walk or take bike to office or school.And last,you shuold keep away from smoke and alcohol,even drugs.To do these you must keep working every day.

Hope you have a good body.



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