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初三英语演讲稿:Ladies and gentlemen

2019-12-29 05:30:01

初三英语演讲稿:Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning.

We are students in Grande 9 and almost 15 years old now. In some countries, 15-year-old citizens are regarded as adults. That is why I just named you ladies and gentlemen.

Fellow citizens, as adults,I do think most of you have dreams, but none of you haven’t your futures. The truth is that it is time to bring your futures under your controlling or just let the beauties of your futures fly with the empty time.

If you say “ I am persist in doing something valuable.”, so congratulations since you have already ready to repay for our nation and your self. On the other hand if you just would like to be a worm that wasting the sources, nobody will be in an agreement with you, also your future will be and empty.

A piece of lyric from Queen is that “no time for loser.”. I should remark that also no time for coward. Only hero can face to the realty and comply with his duty.

Regarding the nation’s duty as our duty is necessary. Because we are the future of our nation, we are the hope of China. The improvement of us decides the future of our nation. That is to says, if we were willing to surf on the internet only, our nation would fall in a world which be filled with surfing on the internet. It is clear that only living with playing computer games would welcome the truly death of China.

Obama, the president of the USA, brings a word to us “forward”. ”forward” will encourage us to welcome our future with passionate and a positive emotion. We youth must contribute our fresh power, our new future to our nation.

Everyone, a slang said that brave and intelligent teens means mighty nations. The efforts of us are linked to the resurgence of China!



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