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2019-12-29 10:00:01

Lesson 15: Let’s Make Soup

1. Summary

In this lesson, we will learn two sentence structures:

① May I borrow ____, please?

② We need _____.

2. Difficult and Important Point

These two sentences are difficult and important point.

3. Teaching Aim

Cross this lesson, the students can understand and make sentences.

4. Teaching Skill

① Greeting

② New concepts. Make a scene to educe the dialogue. And explain the sentence. “May I borrow ____, please?”

③ Practice. Make sentence one by one. And let the students ask somebody to answer.

④ Chant. Have a break to say a chant. And review the food words.

⑤ Look at the disc to learn how to make soup. And educe “ We need____.”

⑥ Listen a story. And ask them what the story tells us.

5. Teaching Tool

① Disc

② A piece of paper and a pencil.

6. Teaching Time

One lesson

7. Process

① Greeting

Teacher: Hello, everyone!

Students: Hello, teacher!

T: How are you?

S: Fine. And you?

T: I’m fine. Thank you.

② New Concepts

T: Please look here. I want to draw a picture. I am drawing a tree. Oh, no. My pencil. I need a pencil. May I borrow your pencil, please?

S: Yes.

T: Thank you.

S: You’re welcome.

Ask somebody to borrow a ruler.

T: Now please look here. What’s meaning of this sentence?

S: 我能借用一下你的铅笔吗?

T: Yes, very good. What’s meaning of borrow?

S: 借.

T: Good. Now who can make sentence?

S: I can.

T: Ok. Please make a sentence.

S: May I borrow your book, please?

Ask somebody to make sentence.

T: You do very well. Ok. Now you’re Group One. And you are Group Two. Let’s have match. Group One asks Group Two. Which group is right, I will give you one star. Are you ready?

S: Yes.

Have a match to practice.

T: Do well. Open your book Lesson 15. And look at No. 1. Read after me.

Read the dialogue after the teacher.

T: Who wants to read No.1?

Ask the students to read No.1.

T: Ok. Now let’s have a break. Say a chant.

Say a chant with action.

T: We learn a lot. Now I am hungry. Are you hungry?

S: Yes.

T: I want to drink soup. But can you make soup?


S: I can.

T: Who can make soup? Put up your hands.

T: Oh, so many students can make soup. Please look here. Let’s look at how to make soup. And what we need to make soup?

Look at the disc.

T: Who can tell me what we need to make soup?

S: We need some water and vegetables. We need some salt and pepper. We need some chicken.

T: Ok. Let’s say together.

Say it again.

T: We know what we need to make soup. There is a story. Let’s listen the story. And how to make soup are they?

Listen the story and answer they are how to make soup.

T: Who can tell me what is magic stone? In the world is there a magic stone? You can speak Chinese.

S: No. 我们要互相帮助.



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