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Silence is golden_沉默是金英语作文250字

2019-12-29 20:00:02

Silence is golden. Silence can leave you room for yourself and others to save us. Learn to be quiet, and you can avoid becoming someone else's goal. Silence is a kind of air, and only immerse in it can appreciate its value. Have you heard the story of Edison? Edison invented the automatic transmitter, wanted to sell it, and built a lab with the money he sold, but Edison didn't know how much he could sell. His wife gritted her teeth and said, "for twenty thousand dollars, a laboratory is built, at least twenty thousand dollars." Edison thought twenty thousand dollars was too much, and he was very hesitant. When an American businessman to buy when the invention of the automatic transmitter technology, Edison embarrassed to $twenty thousand, or even want to wait until his wife came back say prices, businessman finally didn't patience, pay $100000. The price was a surprise to Edison, who was very happy and agreed to the merchant immediately. Later, Edison and his wife joked that they had made $80,000 in silence.




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