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Oedipus the King_俄底浦斯王读后感800字

2019-12-29 10:45:01

Ancient Greek tragedies are often called "tragedies of fate". The so-called "tragic fate" refers to the protagonist's free will with the fate of confrontation, the outcome is he can not escape the fate of the trap to destroy. The conflict between free will and fate is always regarded as the main theme of ancient Greek tragedies. The three greatest tragedies in ancient Greece have touched the theme of conflict between free will and fate. Alfonso Fochler J's "Oedipus Rex" is a manifestation of the fate of the tragedy of the classic works, the tragedy of Oedipus was unable to escape the net due to its fate.

As the prince of co - toos, Oedipus could say that it was a respectable and respectable person from a young age. However, when he was in the Apollo Temple know oneself have a tragic fate -- killed his father and married his mother when he did not hesitate to leave Koren Toth, passing in Thebes when he killed several clashes and his traveller met Sphinx Sven Kors. In the untied the riddle of Steefan Kors after he became, the hero of Baicheng, and married the queen of Thebes, Oscar, became admired king. At that moment, the life of Oedipus rose to the top.

Oedipus myth is reflected and refracted from the human to kill his father and marry his mother incest taboo this progress of civilization, and destroyed him to race. Blinding blindness is his own choice, not his choice, or the fate of his choice. At the same time, the tragedy of Oedipus's knowledge and ignorance, while expressing the irresistible nature of fate, also expresses its irrational condemnation of fate. Oedipus was smart, honest, honest and brave, and he was brave to challenge the irrational fate. But fate is destined to become such a good figure as a sinner. He has to take the punishment of his predecessors' sins and be punished by bad luck. In fact, all these are caused by the fate and the self will of Oedipus.

In the process of reading, the story of the complex and rigorous and harmonious fact makes me feel frightened and thrilling. He inherits and fully expresses an important principle of Greek art creation, that is, the conflict between man and fate, and the inability of man to the fate. The whole family is in fact because traced the unfortunate fate of Oedipus's father Laius abducted son Perot Papadopoulos law when the West Persian exile, causing the child dead gods wrath Dutch act, so in thebai family, the Oracle reveals the child will kill his father and marry his mother. Without the knowledge of the Oedipus completely involuntarily, because when he was born, he was not unhappy fate = control, more efforts to escape more on the fate of arrangements for life track, the more want to get rid of the shackles, the more is to hold onto the hand of fate, so powerless against me heartache but still feel helpless and confused, the Greek tragedy artist why so stubborn believe fate is so pious depicting the fate of irresistible and mystery.

Whether it is wanton arrangement was not God, after all, is Oedipus and overstepping, patricide regicide patriarchy and maintain kingship, confuse polis ethical order, committed unforgivable crimes. Therefore, the gods of Oedipus in the lost loved ones, dark eyes and sent into exile miserable situation, and of Thebes Sin City down the plague, just as the Old Testament God of all creatures under the waters are evil blood pollution. It can be said that the punishment itself is to promote good, the suffering itself is "justice" to highlight. From this tragedy, we can enlighten the audience to recognize themselves, warn the audience to stay away from evil and give comfort and safety to people with their own destruction. As Hagel said, the pleasure of tragedy comes from "the triumph of eternal justice".




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