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The Unbearable Lightness of Being_生命中不能承受之轻读后感700字

2019-12-29 10:45:01

Whether it is habit, experience, or imagination, we all think that "heavy" is unbearable, and people can't breathe. But when you come to Milan Kundla, we suddenly hear that "light" is unbearable. How does it not cause people to doubt and solve it? The most puzzling question is what does "light" mean? Pearls are said to have many effects on human body, but the premise of swallowing pearls is to make it into powder. I must think about the interpretation of this book as well. With this doubt and desire, in this long holiday, I breathed the hot breath and read the book "life can't bear light" written by Milan Kundla.

At the same time, the plot narration in some places confuses the characters' dreams with the story itself, though it is absurd, but it also has a unique artistic effect. For example, Thomas Jean Teresa went up to the mountain alone, where someone was executing. In the turn of Teresa's execution, Teresa gave up at the last minute and returned to Thomas's side. But why did Thomas let Teresa accept the death penalty? What's the matter with this? There is no clear answer in the book. But later, Teresa herself suspected that Thomas, who sent her up to accept the death penalty, was wearing the mask of Thomas. A similar example is the end of the book. Thomas received a letter and asked him to accept the summons. Teresa insisted on going with Thomas. After getting off the plane, someone immediately fired at Thomas, and when Thomas fell down, he turned into a hare, caught and brought back to his home by Teresa. Is this just a dream of Teresa? The author did not explain it.

The book is mainly about the life of the four people, Thomas, Teresa, Sabine and Franz. There are love, sex, the political views of the current situation, and the existence of those I have not yet understood, light and heavy, kitsch and so on. The psychological description of the characters has always reflected the conflict of these aspects. Thomas and Teresa are entangled between the spirit and the meat, while Sabina and Franz are chosen in the kitsch. The author shows different themes in different chapters, even switches the protagonist, switches the time and space, but every switch is constantly on the line. The six opportunities and coincidences of God to Teresa and Thomas were deepened, but their love was separated from Teresa's times of entanglement, nightmares and pain. At the same time, Thomas's love for Teresa is also printed with the mark of sin. Become no longer simple but full of desire. Teresa began to feel wronged and strive for perfection, hoping to find the lotus of hope in despair. In my eyes, at that time, their love clothes had faded and became pale robes. Fortunately, in my view, Thomas reborn in Teresa's love with his old spirit. The understanding of these aspects is repeated iteratively until the end.

In short, the novels of Milan Kundla have wide range of life issues and philosophies, and are rich in thinking and thinking. Yes! Life only once, the only one life can not beforehand to rehearse his content, do not know what will happen next, once we realize these, but a bit at a loss. In fact, "light" and "heavy" can also be transformed into one another in a certain environment. The key is how we choose. In my opinion, choosing a real life should be what we pursue. Each person's pursuit is not the same, the choice of the road is not the same, but as long as you choose your original intention and put into action, in the process of finding yourself, improving yourself, and affirming yourself, then your life is real and wonderful. It's not necessary to complain about what your life is tired of. It only needs to go in the direction of your own, the firm belief and the process of life. Perhaps when you suddenly look back, you will find that my life has also accumulated a lot of things in a certain field, and my people are colourful. Then "light" and "heavy" will never be your hindrance, and there will be no "unbearable lightness of life".

The heaviest burden oppresses us, let us yield to it, and push us down to the ground. But in the love poems of the past, women always yearn for the weight of a male body. Thus, the heaviest burdens have become the most powerful images of life. The heavier the burden, the closer our life is to the earth, the more real it is.




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