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Snow Falling on Cedars_落在香杉树的雪花英语读后感600字

2019-12-29 19:00:02

This snowy cedar tree was written by an American writer. If you don't have the author's nationality in advance, I'm afraid many readers think it's impossible for Americans to write it, saying it was written by Europeans, which may be greater. The United States, a vibrant country, is fast-paced, high-speed, practical, and can not see the slow look of Europe at all. However, this slow novel is born in this hasty country. And the birth of a blockbuster, translated into more than 30 kinds of words, the world's best selling 5 million copies, become the contemporary American literature history rare super bestseller classic. The writer is an ordinary secondary school teacher who spent ten years finishing the novel. Perhaps his identity and so many years of polishing. This "snow falls fragrant cedar" is so dignified and exquisite.

In the northwestern part of the United States, there is a small island called "San PEO", and the birth of a Japanese girl is born here. She is dignified, gentle and hard-working. She and Ishmael, a white boy, grew up and grew up in a long-term relationship. With the sudden eruption of the Pearl Island incident, the conflict between races on the island has intensified, and the love of the first branch and ISH Mel has gone to the end, and she married the Japanese boy Miyamoto day. A few years later, Tian Dao was accused of misunderstandings in a case and was prosecuted for murder, and Ishmael, the only journalist on the island, unintentionally found a key evidence that could take off the sin of the sky. If he does not hand in evidence, Tian Dao will be convicted of murder. He may have the chance to recover his initial love for many years. But in the end, conscience and sense of justice triumphed over personal desires. He handed over evidence, and heaven was acquitted.

In the case of insufficient evidence, the eleven jurors agreed that he killed Carle and he should be sentenced to his hangings. Only an elderly juror believed that the evidence should not be easily sentenced to death. It is precisely because of this delay in sentencing time, so that Mel's inner struggle after the struggle to reverse the outcome of the choice, the palace of Heaven Road was acquitted. I can understand that Mel found no evidence of murdering Carle. He was waiting, waiting for the first branch, waiting for him to come to him. He is such a heavy emotional person, young age and the initial ignorance of love, so that he can not be relieved for life. When she married, she had her husband, Miyamoto, and her own child. She didn't think about the love in the cave at the beginning. She didn't even think how beautiful she was. She loved her life. And he, ISH Mel, did not get married and no children, and the war had lost an arm. Time did not wash away his love and hatred for the first branch. Instead, he became more and more profound. He did not understand why he entered her body in the tree hole. After many years, he even imagined that the first branch would come back to him. So when Miyamoto was charged with murder, he was not willing to hand over the evidence, and he even felt that if the Tao was put to death, he might have a chance. However, he is a reporter, he has a respected father of a late journalist, and an optimistic mother who has always been with him, and importantly, he is a person. So, the day before he was sentenced, he went into the first house with his hand with evidence... I think, until this time, he really unloaded the psychological burden of so many years, he and the first branch, has been a stop, he is going to start a new life.




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