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Jean Christophe_约翰克里斯朵夫读后感600字

2019-12-29 19:00:02

John Christophe is a masterpiece of Roman Roland's novel, one of the famous "long river novels" in Europe in the early twentieth Century. It occupies a special position in the history of modern French fiction. Its special value is a powerful criticism of the decadent decline of modern European civilization as a social novel. Two, as a new humanitarian thought, has a profound influence on a generation as a concept novel.

The novel describes the life of John Christopher kroff, the musician, and portrays the new image of the moral ideal, the action enthusiasm and the heroic spirit, and shows the broad social life of Europe before the war with his experience as a clue.

John Christophe is a complex image with rich personality. He does not criticize the bourgeoisie from the ethical relationship of the individual to the society, and at the same time maintains a certain attachment to it, so there is no apparent ideological feature of the self. However, in the prospect of future society, he is unconsciously troubled by a broad universal love ideal, which leads to the distortion of his strong personality and the end of his tragedy.

The author grasps the psychology of people in different periods. From the time of Christophe's baby to the young, the young, the middle-aged, the old, the different problems encountered in each period, what the people will produce is clearly analyzed. Taking the time as the main thread, it interspersed several important life fragments of Christophe. When he was a child, his relationship with his grandfather and his parents, the friendship and first love of his youth, the love and career of the youth, the friendship and love of the middle age, the friendship of the old age. The structure of the whole work is exquisitely designed. Of course, this is a novel that won the Nobel prize, no doubt a good book, but if I met this book a few years earlier, I don't have to be interested in him; and now, subject to the ability to express, I can't tell him well.

The final appearance is a woman I admire, such a large number of women in their lives. When she was a teenager, she fell in love with Christopher. At that time, he only taught her cousin's music, and taught her by the way. But she really appreciates his music, and appreciates his talent. However, she later married the earl. She still helped her through her own power. When Christopher's long reflex arc finally realized who was helping him, she was moving. Christoph wanted her love, but timing had already passed. When Christopher went to Italy to meet her again, her husband died and left behind a couple of children. Christoph wanted to marry her, but she said she had gone through marriage and felt that marriage would destroy their friendship. When Christopher dared not mention it again, she wanted to give him what he wanted - marriage. However, her son, a little devil, was hostile to Christophe, and the two loving people were taken apart again. Their love has always been in a wrong way, but everything they do for love is so beautiful and meaningful. Because of her appearance, Christopher became more peaceful. Christoph also contributed to her daughter's marriage with his best friend's son, who was a lovely old man at that time.

The frustrations contributed to the sublimation of his mind. A series of crises shook his mind, swept away his soul, and through the road of purgatory, he reached freedom step by step. The history of his struggle is to show to my I that although there is a bright sunshine and a cold wind and rain in life, in whatever environment, we should believe in our belief, keep an upbeat heart, actively meet the challenges of life, sharpen oneself in the life and make myself a living. The strong man in the living!




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