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International Women's Day_妇女节英语作文200字

2019-12-30 12:00:01

Today is March 8, International Women's Day is to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy, women's liberation struggle holiday.


Since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday. I would first make a suggestion: "Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment, said: "Mom bought a mobile phone , you can use, there is no need to change." Dad said: "We go out to buy some cosmetics." I am opposed to: "Mom's cosmetics are too much, many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious, and in the end what got her point? We simply asked her what she wanted. But my mother said: "I do not want to buy, I just want to sleep." I do not know why my mother do this way, but I know my mother is very hard to control more than 300 college students, daytime talk, meetings, writing papers, fill out information and give students lessons, etc. in the evening. If it is me, I would like the mother, in addition to want to sleep, the other wants to do nothing.


However, I and Dad are determined to give my mother a "International Women's Day" gifts, things came back for her. Mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow, then my mother smiled.


I wish Mom "Women's Day" Happy!




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