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I dont think so_关于同学的英语作文600字

2019-12-31 16:00:01

Jack is a good boy but he doesn’t like to use his head. He often sayssomething withou thinking.It makes others unhappy.

Mr. Black teaches math in a school. Hes old now and he likeschildren.On the Friday Mr. Black doesnt go to work, because hes ill in a hospital. And Jacks mother will see him after dinner. I want to be there with you. says Jack. Youre a rude boy. I cant take you there. says his mother. Dont worry, mum. Iwont do that again. Please believe me. says Jack. In the hospital, Jack says nothing at first. When theyre leaving , he says to Mr. Black, You look fine. The doctor says youre going to die, but I dont think so.



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