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Let’s Help Animals_保护动物初中生英语作文200字

2020-01-02 03:30:01

Let’s Help Animals_保护动物初中生英语作文200字

As we know, animals are people’s friends. Thus, people should get on well with them. But some people can’t get on well with animals. Why do people get on badly with animals? And why are animals in danger? There are 5 reasons:

First, there isn’t enough food or water for animals to eat or drink. Second, some people Kill animals for sports, food and clothes. Third, the villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their home. Fourth, often the pollution cause animals can’t eat clean food or drink clean water. Fifth, some animals haven’t any safe place to live because of many kinds of nature accidents, for example, the earthquakes.

Thus, nowadays, to save animals in danger is an important question. And we should help animals live in piece. We can give money to help protect animals and find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.

In my eyes, if people can do them, the animals’ live will be better and better!




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