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A Letter to the Students_给同学们的一封信作文200字

2020-01-04 02:15:01

Dear fellow students,

I' m writting to call on everyone to take an active part in building a beautiful campus. Creating a beautiful campus is of great importance. It can help us students to develop ourselves as we will behave better after being influenced. A beautiful campus is such a ray that everyone needs.

But there are still abundant behaviours which are impolite and absurd. Teenagers are always dynamic and eager to get rid of the restriction. Some students like to speak dirty words. And some always speak and laugh loudly in class. They are so foolish and hateful. But nothing can rescue them but a person with wonderful virtue.

In my words, we need to relay the great virtue. Building a beautiful campus is so urgent that we need to accomplish it as quickly as we can.




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