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2020-01-05 03:00:01

It took me three days to finish the book. During this period, my mood fluctuates with the bumpy fate of the protagonist aluusha in the book. A Miao Sha is a poor child, he lost his father when he was young, and then follow the mother moved to a daranfang - grandfather's home, but the tragedy is that from happening here. The grandfather of samusha is very fierce, often using willow bars, children are full of blood, and even fainted. The two uncles were also scoundrels and were quarrelling all day to get rid of their family property. This has been reduced to fragments in the family, every day there was a quarrel, sometimes because some trifles strike violently. But fortunately, my grandmother was very painful Amiusha, has been a serious blow sand body was time to comfort him, and gave him the courage to fight.

"Childhood" this book is mainly about aliocha childhood: aliocha after his father's death, spent years in the grandfather living with her mother. In the meantime, he was loved and nurtured by his grandmother, and was nurtured by beautiful fairy tales told by his grandmother. At the same time, he witnessed two uncle's selfish and greedy fighting for family disputes and trivial matters in his life. Alexa spent his childhood in this "stifling, scary scene in a narrow world".

In my impression, there is such a lens, all the time in my mind wandering, want to forget to forget. The uncles of little Golgi killed one of their workers with the crucifixion, for the sake of their family property. The worker died silently, and people soon forgot him. It seemed that he had never been such a person, nor had it ever happened. I can't understand that, this is the attitude of people to life! I can't believe that the heart of their meat really has become a stone hard!

I had a very depressed mood after I read it. In such a family, will the soul of Liao Sha be tarnished, too? But luckily, the world is not ugly. There are still good and honest people around him. They give him confidence and strength, and let him see the light and hope, and believe that darkness will go away. The future is bright. Among them, the grandmother is his sun. My grandmother always used her tolerance Shaai gave a Liao with her gentle seed, seed germination, grow into towering trees, with wings of protection, aliocha world will not be exposed to wind and rain. Grandmother with her love to soothe the wounds of his soul, and really taught him to be a person of integrity is the old long Grigori, of course that kind, optimistic, compassionate "Tzigane" also taught how to face the difficult life of aliocha. But he was killed by two uncles. At the beginning of the work, Golgi wrote, "sometimes it is difficult for me to believe that that would happen. There are a lot of things I want to argue and deny because there are so many cruelty things in the dark life of the "family fool". But at the same time, we can also see that on the other side of the dark, there is a kind of light, something called light. So Golgi said with emotion, "when she appeared, she woke me up, led me to the bright place, connected all the things around me with a continuous thread, and made colorful lace. It was her unselfish love for the world that enriched me and made me full of strong strength to cope with the hardship. "

I have benefited from the reading of the novel. Only now can I know how happy my childhood is, and my parents' love, mentor and good learning environment make my childhood full of happiness and make me grow healthily. So I understand: I want to enjoy my childhood and learn knowledge seriously, and create a happier and happier life for our next generation with knowledge and wisdom.




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