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The integration of culture_文化整合英语作文350字

2020-01-05 05:45:01

In recent years, western culture has become more and more important in the lives of Chinese people. Absorbing anything and everything is a good thing, but if we pursuit western culture blindly while ignoring our own culture, it will begin at the wrong end.

As described in the picture, instead of eating their own traditional food, some people often eat “Western food” like “KFC”. They flaunt it by taking pictures,which has formed a bad social atmosphere.

On the one hand, this is the act of disregard of the traditional Chinese food culture. This kind of behavior makes people have the idea of comparison, and then blindly pursue their ideas, and mistake that eating western food is a fashion. On the other hand, this also is an invasion of western culture. It gives people a false gradually divide the Chinese traditional culture. Finally, people`s cultural life is followed by foreign countries, and the Chinese traditional spirit is becoming thinner and thinner. Therefore, it is not only a problem of the conflict cf food culture, but also a big problem in all aspects of social life such as festivals, literature and so on.

So, what kind of attitude should we have?

In my opinion, first of all, we should treat the western culture in a correct mentality. Secondly, we should have the choice to accept the excellent traditional culture and make the spirit of the Chinese nation inherit.

In conclusion, as students, it is our duty to integrate the essence of the western culture on the basis of inherit and carrying forward the excellent traditional culture, and make the Chinese culture more perfect and extensive.




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