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I Prefer to Choose Friendship_我宁愿选择友谊作文300字

2020-01-05 15:00:01

Today, I will talk about two students. They did a brave thing.

Wei Ziyue and Mou Sijin are the students from a middle school. On April 10, Senior high school entrance examination of PE took place in their school. The two students are in Junior 3, this is a vital exam for them. When the test of running started, one of their classmates, Tan Yuqiao, fell on the ground. Many students wanted to lift her up, but it could spend more time in getting the finish. However, Wei and Mou ran to their classmate and lifted her up. Although they got worse scores; their school thought they did the correct thing, so they had a special chance to go to the good senior schools.

Firstly, they preferred to choose friendship rather than achievements; this is one of the most admirable things I think. The achievements are very important to them, but they still thought helping people which lived with them for three years, is better. They did a noble thing. Secondly, I think they’re brave, too. Maybe when some people meet the things like this, they will think to do something like the two girls did, but just think. Most of the people don’t have enough courage to do this.

All in all, the choice from the affection between classmates moved us all. They are the greatest students I have ever seen.




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