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Do you like robots_你喜欢机器人吗作文200字

2020-01-05 13:45:01

Today I saw a movie called The God Of Gambling. There are two very cute robots in the movie. We used to think robots would appear in the future, but now robots are often in our life. They help us do housework and study, and even work in some dangerous places. The robot is our good helper. Now there are some robots that can work in factories, and they do simple things over and over again, which makes people bored, but robots don't. Scientists are working hard to make robots like humans, and in Japan, there are robots that can dance, cook and communicate with people, they can even do delicate things like make up for a hostess. They are smart enough to win at chess, and while they look like people, they don't think like people. I also saw on TV a kind of robot in India that looks like a snake, and it can go to places that people can't get to and help people do things like take part in rescue work after an earthquake. In the future, there will be more and more robots, and I hope to have my own robots.




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