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a letter to Dr.Know_给知道博士的一封信初中英语作文200字

2020-01-06 19:45:01

a letter to Dr. Know_给知道博士的一封信初中英语作文200字

Dear Dr. Know,

How are you?

This is my first day at school.The school is strict with us in studying It’s a good school..But there are too many rules.Ⅰthink they are much too terrible. Now I will tell you some of the rules.

At school,we must wear the uniforms every student. It’s a symbol of our school.And we can’t bring the music players or phones to school. This is very important.In the classroom,our teacher always says, “Don’t be late for class,you must be on time.”So we have to get up early at 5:00 a.m. every school days. You can’t go out on school nights,either.In class,you must keep quiet. So we can’t eat,drink or talk with others in class. If you want to eat or drink you can go to the dining hall. In the hallways you also need keep quiet,because other students are having class.

They’re terrible a lot,but they’re not bad for us studying. It best to follow them.

A middle school student,





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