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How to deal with the Exam Stress_如何应对考试压力作文200字

2020-01-06 20:30:01

Everyone may have the exam stress.A little bit of stress can be a good thing to us.It can help us to know what we are worng.And study more careful than before.It can make us review in time.

We will not forget the things easily.But too much stress is very bad to us.It makes us not get a sleep and be very tired next day.It also make us afride to exam and we will not get a good grade.

So there are some good ways to deal with the exam stress.We shold wake some rules to our selves and prepare a lot.We can do something relaxing like listening to music before a big exam.The most important,we must study hard in school.Nothing is more important than school studying.

If we do these things carefully and keep on.There is nothing to stress out when we have an exam.




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