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The universe and man_宇宙和人类作文700字

2020-01-07 06:15:01

The universe is mysterious, and it is unbelievable that the vast universe creates life with material. In the study of Marx's philosophy, we know that matter is the source of the world, and the material unity of the world is the cornerstone of the philosophy of Marx.

And this passage interprets us from modern scientific and technological knowledge that the world is material, and that life is derived from matter, and that matter is the cornerstone of human origin, so that I can understand the real meaning of the word "the world is material".

The movie "universe and man" gives a comprehensive, image and scientific answer to a series of mysterious questions concerning the birth of the universe, the origin of life, the extraterrestrial world and the extinction of dinosaurs. The birth of life on the earth was also evolved through countless days and nights, and the evolution of the earth eventually led to life. The improvement of the environment on the earth is also the result of many factors. The moon, as the natural satellite of the earth, has left us enough warm night to make sweet dreams, but because of its small quality, it can only become a dead planet, maybe this is the selection of the universe.

The origin of the world is material. 15 billion years ago, an unbelievable energy singularity suddenly burst out, creating the vast universe of large and small interstellar material. And the process of the explosion is still being carried out so far, because once the universe stops outdoors, it will be destroyed by its own gravity. So outdoors is absolutely absolute, from where we can get the answer. All things in the universe, to a star, as small as a grain of dust, are composed of atoms, but only is the difference in the number of atoms. The atoms are made up of some smaller particles due to the delicate balance of force. The particles are made up of smaller particles. Are there any smallest particles that cannot be separated to make up the universe? But it can be believed that only things that are not known, and that there is no unrecognizable thing, one day, science will surely reveal the mysteries of the whole universe.

All human beings have intelligence, but not everyone is intelligent. The universe from the big bang to humanity, until this day, with modern manners height, this is a full of hardships, everywhere is not a deterministic process, any changes are likely to delay or even prevent the emergence of human and development, in fact, each of us as individuals, to this beautiful world. Is extremely casual and magical. However, most of the time we do not know the universe produce fruit treasure for millions of years, our life, our life! The light my life as a pastime, decadent life, lack of pursuit, self exile; severe frustration, put the life back to the universe, like at the moment under the working pressure that a selection of suicide College students. Perhaps, relative to the earth, relative to the universe, human life is too short and small. However, when you put your life with intelligent self throughout the universe, look into the hundreds of millions of years, you should not only see the life is short and small, you should know that the material world in the birth of human beings is a miracle, we are self magic there life is short, we have more! We should treasure, let more short life shine, live a good, live happy happiness. This is the wisdom that everyone should seek outside of material intelligence.




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