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A Letter To Leslie_给莱斯利的信作文250字

2020-01-07 14:00:02

Dear Leslie,


I am your friend Li Hua. We are going to study something new about Chinese. Let' s tell you something about our plans.

Our class will start at 4:00 in the morning in my home. Cause I am still asleep at that time, you should wake me up after you arrive. If you come late, you will be punished and learn less because I will be mad of your behaviour. Our class is about the poems of the Tang Dynasty. So you have to study the history of Tang Dynasty. You don't need to know much about the history, because if you can learn everything by yourself, I will teach you nothing. You don't need to say thanks to me, because I know I am kind and zealous. If you really appreciate me, you can give me some money. That' s brilliant. Cause I love money to death.

OK, I have wasted too much time on your e-mail. Only my hope is you to pay for the electricity.


Li Hua




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