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If I Die Young_若我早逝初二抒情英语作文120字

2020-01-09 11:15:01

If I Die Young_若我早逝初二抒情英语作文120字

When I opened the TV last night, I heard a beautiful song, it is called “If I die young”, the song sounds so comfortable, it is so hard for me to imagine the title, the song tells people the author’s opinion about if she had died young, she would bury herself in the rose bed, how nice it is. It lets me think of future, if I know myself would die young, I would have chosen to live a better life and cherish every moment I have now. People live in the busy life, they don’t have much time to enjoy the life, the song reminds people of enjoying the life and learning to do what they want to do.



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