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My favorite teacher_关于老师的英语作文

2020-01-09 11:15:01

My favorite teacher_关于老师的英语作文

Mrs.Wang is my favorite teacher.She is of medium height and has long straight black hair.Do you know why I like her?So let me tell you.

In the first place,she is very patient with us.When I am in trouble ,she always encourages me.Therefore,she leaves me a sleep impression.In addition,she is very understanding and kind.Once I did a bad thing,but she wasn't angry .And she told me not to do it next time.Last but not least ,she is friendly to us .As a result,we are all very fond of her.

There is no doubt that she is not only a good teacher but also very understanding .Therefore,I am thankful to my teacher Mrs.Wang.



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