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Respect for women_尊重女性作文250字

2020-01-10 16:30:01

Security in the country is terrible, with statistics showing that an average of four Indian women are raped every hour and three houses are ransacked every day. Delhi, India's second-largest city, alone has at least 150,000 criminal cases a year. By contrast, the average resident receives only 0.0013 police protection. Joke, a Hong Kong resident, conducted a street interview in India asking passersby what they thought about the rape. Every man laughed at it, yes, every one! They put all the blame to women, they think that women wear too revealing, they should not wear a skirt, even should not go out alone, lead to bad consequences is deserve it! Some women said: 'we live very tired every day and have to stay at home all the time. We often feel unsafe.

This is an angry social phenomenon! They don't think they're wrong, and they don't even care. Such people are disgusting. Why do they persecute their own kind stupidly? Do they only have dirty thoughts in their heads? I have nothing to say to such people, just want to tell them: respect women is respect themselves!




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