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英语作文:我的理想(A Dream)

2020-01-13 01:15:01

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我的理想(A Dream)

A Dream

Peter: Oh, I can't believe it. I am now in London in England. I see the Big Ben. Big Ben is not the the name of a man. It is a very big clock…. Oh, I am so happy.

Happy: How are you?

Peter: I'm fine, thank you.

Happy: How was your holiday?

Peter: It was fun.

Happy: Where did you go?

Peter: I went to England.

Happy: How did you go there?

Peter: I went by plane.

Happy: What did you do and what did you see?

Peter: I saw the Big Ben. The hands are four meters long. And I bought presents for you!

Happy: Oh, thank you. Did you take any pictures?

Peter: Yes. Er…Where did I put my pictures? ...

Peter: Oh, it's a dream!




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