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Introducing dormitory life_住宿生活英语作文150字

2020-01-16 01:30:01

Because my home is far from the school, my parents decided to let me boarding. At first, I wasn't very comfortable with the dormitory, and I didn't talk to my roommates very much. But slowly, I became more and more open-minded and enthusiastic, and I began to like dormitory life. About 6:30 in the morning, we got up. The canteen will open at 7 o'clock. After breakfast, we will go to class. There is a lunch break at noon. After the break, we continue the afternoon course. When we get back to our dormitory in the evening, we will take a bath first and then have dinner after taking a bath. It was more than 11 p.m. before we turned off the lights and went to bed. Dormitory life has made me more independent, and I will continue to live a full dormitory life.




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