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2020-01-20 01:30:01


Our campus is a beautiful place bedding.

Spring blooming is so bright. Report comes as the first yellow winter jasmine rice, if necessary, a winter energy savings are blooming out, shaking Dousou can shake the spirit of the. Begonia is not far behind followed by a stubborn one seems to make the flowers open. Colored rose, pink peony bloom. We see these students have forgotten the beautiful flowers of all, what worries the exam, the teacher must work to stay ... .... Ding ding ding ding clang clang class, and we have lots of energy back to the classroom. Oh! Flower bed had a "fatigue cleaning agent."

Summer, flower beds, the flowers although not those bright flowers, but flower bed next to a lot of students still often Why? Where the original has softened a green velvet umbrella, good good great, unique look angry. To the tree is also very cool, I immediately felt like to be infected with the spirit of times. Abstract occasionally a leaf, a bright child is also clearly visible veins on the slightest, it makes me feel a life force!

Autumn leaves, golden yellow or red and sometimes dance like a butterfly, sometimes a beautiful elegant arc, then slowly fall. Somehow, do not end the fall, winter total rush came, night work in a crystal flower beds, snow. I heard the teacher say: only experienced a winter of snow, the spring can be shaped by the bonus Liulv.

Throughout the year, the campus flower beds are always so beautiful, always attracted me and my students, with our growth.



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