趣文网 > 教师天地 > 语文优秀试卷


2020-02-25 03:45:01



( )1. sit bike ( ) 2. near pear ( ) 3. ago face

( ) 4. must put ( ) 5. grass pass ( ) 6.tiger sister


( )1. I speak English _______ Chinese .

A. and B. of C. on

( )2. We want to visit ______ .

A. great wall B. the Great Wall C. The wall

( )3. A: Are you from China ?

B : _______ , I’m from Xuzhou .

A. Not B. No C. Yes

( )4. I often _______ football after school .

A. play B. to play C. playing

( )5. Tom likes ________ TV at home .

A. watch B. watching C. watches

( )6. It ________ there just now .

A.are B. were C. was

( )7. School is ________ .

A. over B. sure C. on

( )8. Sometimes I ________ insects in the park

A. drink B. catch C. kick

( )9. The boys are _________ now .

A. run B. runs C. running

( )10. You should ________ quiet.

A. keep B. to keep C. keeping

三、选择合适的词填在横线上: [文章来源于 mip.qwen.cn]

1. ________ ( Kick Give ) the flowers to Miss Gao .

2. Please pass the CD Walkman to ________ ( I me ) .

3. ________ ( When , Where ) is your birthday ?

________ ( I’m , It’s ) on the _________( six , sixth ) of March .

4. You _________ ( should , shouldn’t ) walk on the grass .

5. It’s _________ ( very , sure ) exciting .


1. How do you spend your weekends ?


2. I’m from China.


3. Danger !


4. No smoking


5. Today is Sunday .


6. 当然。


7. 这是什么意思?




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