趣文网 > 诗词鉴赏 > 小学四年级作文


2020-04-24 13:42:01


At noon, we left the tetracarboxylic troops arrived by car, Changle Town, strawberry patches, ready for afternoon activities - picking strawberries.

Sitting in the car, my eyes were attracted to the rows of plastic greenhouses, I exclaimed: "Look I! Strawberry greenhouses!'The students looked down the direction I mean, suddenly, the car full of festive atmosphere, the students all excited, my heart beating wildly. under the car, the first goal one by one into the eyes is the greenhouse, shed some of those strawberries look on the plastic film, and some have not cast plastic films, through the film, vaguely see the green, my mind had wondered: Why, it was all green leaves, where to strawberry you? we peremptorily children to flooded in, ready to "start"

Into the eyes is the first project is a patch of green, clawed through the leaves, That find a bowl of strawberries, look! That strawberry is so each and the sleek, shiny, collections are so in full, and some high-Tai Zhaotou, as in telling the story of spring; some head hid the leaves, like a shy strawberry girl ...... observation finished, it is our turn to hold back any longer excited group of children picking strawberries, and soon, two plastic bags were packed to the brim I, and I see others they all sweating, hey, there are a few boys to get together with strawberry won more than anyone else does!

How time flies! Have to go back to school, we all benefit got on.



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