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2020-04-27 11:42:01

避免常用单词拼写错误 communicat oppinion truely mordern enjoies massage monther paly a children childrens slove lifes communicate opinion truly modern enjoys message mother play A child children solve lives忽视词性,错误严重 wide our horizon we can chatting As the time going by ignore the communicate with their parents share theirs opinion It is not benefit to our study widen our horizon we can chat With the time going by As the time goes by the communication share their opinionIt is not beneficial to our study句式错误千奇百怪 The boy is playing the computer doesn t want to talk with his mother. The boy who is playing/playing the computer Many students are addicted to chatting online ignore the significance of communicating with their parents. Many students who are addicted/addicted to chatting online Lots of teenagers would rather playing computer games than talking with their parents. Lots of teenagers would rather play computer games than talk with their parents. Talking with our parents is important, it can help us communicate with each other better. Talking with our parents is important, which can help us communicate with each other better Be faced with these problems, I think we teenagers should talk with our parents as much as possible. Faced with these problems, I think we teenagers should talk with our parents as much as possible.中式英语笑话百出 We can t ignore our parents good. Our parents eat more salt than we. Let them know our mind has what thought. If you don t want to face to face communicate with your parents There is generation gap exists in most families. Compared with computer, parents are more important.从试卷前面的试题中寻求灵感1. Besides, we can tell them about our exciting day at school. 杨乐 完型填空2. The Internet has become a platform where people are fee to share their opinions, values and experiences. 单项选择53. What is more important for us students, in my point of view, is to share difficulties with our parents rather than talk with strangers online. 杨乐 单项选择124. For us students, many problems arise from being addicted to chatting online. 单项选择15怎样让书面表达怎样让书面表达文采飞扬文采飞扬1. 较高级词汇2. 丰富的语法结构3. 恰当的连接词短语优先,弃旧取新非谓语非谓语各种从句各种从句with复合宾语复合宾语倒装倒装虚拟虚拟强调句型强调句型运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,可以使文章增色不少。运用多种语法结构,句式灵活多变,可以使文章增色不少。2. 丰富的语法结构书面表达努力方向 1. 字迹卷面 清楚 2. 结构清楚 :避免文章条理不清。 要有段落(3 4 段),不能一段到底。 一段之内及段落之间要有 巧妙的 连接 手段。 3. 语言正确 :防范语言失误。 单词拼写不错 词性意识要强 句式运用正确 语言地道:避免中式英语 4. 思维严密: 避免逻辑混乱



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