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我眼中的英雄 英语作文 写天津爆炸的消防员 60字以上。谢谢

2020-04-30 08:30:01

The sky slowly came to earth, colorful lamps and candles of a myriad families. Poor Jinwei night for a long time, suddenly the innocent. A fire broke through the day, crackling bursts of earth tremor. Fangdaowuta burning buildings, countless people have been trampled on. Disaster no lover, fire officers and soldiers rushed to the front. Giant earthquakes and landslides where fear, iron man hand qingtian. If life is unusual, the body to fire is difficult to idle. Youth will have blood to wash, and the life will be used with fire. At the Tianjin day prayer, kneeling before the Buddha with a lamp. On the people of my people, I would like to return to the first. A dead road walk, who built their homes do not cry.



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