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2020-04-30 13:06:01

2019 年甘肃省白银市中考英语满分作文我们生活学习在美丽的甘肃.假设你所在的学校正在组织一个" 让世界了解甘肃走向世界"的活动,请根据以下思维导图的提示,以" The Introduction of Gansu Province"为题,写篇介绍甘肃的英语短文. 要求:1.文中需包含思维导图中的主要内容; 2.句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范; 3.可做适量拓展; 4.词数:80 词左右.(标题需抄写在答题卡对应作答区域,不计入总 词数)The Introduction of Gansu Province Location: in the northwest of ChinaCapital City: Lanzhou Weather: different from place to place: the temperature is quite different from day to night… May to October is the best time for travelling.Area: an area of 425 , 900km2Populatio n: 26 million Must - see places of interest: Mogao Crottos the wold famous art palace;Jinyugua n Pass :westernend of the分析高分句型一Great Wall…The weather in Gansu is different from place to place and the temperature is usually quite different from day to night. 从白天到黑夜,甘肃不同地方,天气和温度通常是完全不同的. 高分句型二 If you want to go travelling in Gansu, May to October is the best time. 如果你想去甘肃旅行,5 月到 10 月是最好的时间. if 引导条件状语从句. 解答The Introduction of Gansu province Gansu Province lies in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 425.900 km. There are 26 million people living there, Lanzhou is the capital city of Gansu Province.(甘肃 省概况) The weather in Gansu is different from place to place and the temperature is usually quite different from day to night. 高分句型一If you want to go travelling in Gansu, May to October is the best time. 高分句型二(天气)Mogao grotto which is the world famous art palace and Jiayuguan Pass, the western end of the Great wall, are two of the must-see places of interest in Gansu.(著名景点) 点评能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句 型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务.



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