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2020-05-19 10:00:01


每年春节到来的时候,家家户户都张灯结彩,贴上了美丽的窗花,各种各样的大 福 字和春联,到处都是喜气洋洋的。

Every year, when the Spring Festival comes, every family will put on lights and decorations, paste beautiful window flowers, all kinds of big Fu characters and spring couplets, which are full of joy.

然而2020年的春节却完全不一样,一场不见硝烟,不闻炮响的战争打响了,不宣而战, 新型管状病毒 肺炎席卷而至,各地各部门积极响应,共同对抗疫情。白衣天使们,武警官兵们,志愿者们 。许许多多奋战在一线的勇士们,他们作为生命的逆行者,开启了2020的新篇章。

However, the Spring Festival in 2020 is totally different. A war without smoke and guns has started, and the new tubular virus pneumonia has swept through. All departments have responded positively and fought against the epidemic together. Angels in white, armed police officers and soldiers, volunteers. Many brave men are fighting in the front line. As the life s reverser, they have opened a new chapter in 2020.

作为少先队员的我也应该积极奉献自己的一份力量,做到今年过年,不串门,不聚餐,督促家人做好卫生防疫,不得已去公共场所必须规范戴好口罩,使用过的口罩按规定丢入 有害垃圾 桶。注重个人卫生,常通风,勤洗手,不随地吐痰,打喷嚏咳嗽时应做出正确遮挡。在家开展学习,加强锻炼,保护野生动物。

As a young pioneer, I should also actively contribute my own strength to this year s new year s Eve, do not visit the door, do not have a dinner party, and urge my family to do a good job in health and epidemic prevention. I have to go to public places and wear masks in a standardized way. The used masks are thrown into the hazardous waste bin according to the regulations. Pay attention to personal hygiene, often ventilate, wash hands frequently, do not spit everywhere, and make correct shelter when sneezing and coughing. Study at home, strengthen exercise and protect wild animals.

2020年的钟声已经敲响,万紫千红的春天已经不远了,我想信在全国人民的共同努力下,我们一定能打赢这场 战役 ,迎来我心中美好的2020!

The bell of 2020 has been ringing, and the spring is not far away. I believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we can win this battle and usher in a better 2020 in my heart!

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2022-04-10 11:53日行月望[湖南省网友]IP:1743041189
  2. 2021-04-05 09:15安梓然[山西省网友]IP:3673443866
  3. 2020-03-31 06:38灬雨落╰☆╮[火星网友]IP:736381227


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